Ethical management

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Code of Practice for Ethical Management

This Code is a set of guiding principles intended to ensure TYM and its employees act with honesty and integrity in all facets of its day-to-day operations.

Code of Practice for Ethical Management

Code of Practice for Employee Ethics

  1. Prohibition of accepting and providing bribes: We do not accept, offer, or promise to provide any form of illegal or unethical profit or bribes from stakeholders, either financially or non-financially.
  2. Prohibition of improper solicitation and entrustment: Improper solicitation between employees and stakeholders or between internal employees is prohibited.
  3. Conflicts of interest: When it is inevitable to avoid conflicts of interest between the company and individuals, the interests for the company and its customers should be taken priority in consideration within the legal scope.
  4. Confidentiality: The confidentiality, knowledge, or information obtained directly or indirectly through the performance of duties should not be divulged or used to pursue personal interests.
  5. Work ethics: Regardless of time and space, employees should fulfill their personal responsibilities when performing company work, and the company's assets and facilities should be used only for business purposes.
  6. Abuse of power: Employees should not exercise undue influence or pursue illegal interests of the company or individuals by using the authority or position of the job.
  7. Document preparation and reporting: Employees should not create or report documents based on manipulated contents such as concealment, reduction, exaggeration, or false information, or share with internal and external stakeholders.

Code of Practice for Fair Competition and Trade

  1. Unfair competition: Employees should not obtain information from competitors, subcontractors, or other organizations in an unfair way, and should not use or disclose information obtained illegally by the company or a third party.
  2. Prohibition of unfair trade practices: Employees should not engage in acts that are likely to impede fair competition through unfair trade, such as abuse of market dominance or trading position.
  3. Prohibition of unreasonable joint actions: Employees should not agree on acts restricting unreasonable competition with other business regarding the price, supply, transaction area, timing, and transaction conditions of products or services.
  4. Intellectual property rights: Employees should protect the trade secrets of partners in contractual relationship and should not infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties.
  5. Tax: For transparent and fair tax process, Employees should comply with the tax laws of the countries where our business are located and comply with due tax obligations.
  6. Money laundering: Employees should not engage in any activities related to money laundering of customers, partners, subcontractors, other institutions, business, and individuals.
  7. Win-Win Management: Employees should pursue fair win-win relationships with our partners and should not engage in unfair trade practices.

Code of Practice for Realizing Customer Value

  1. Customer safety: Employees should not make decisions compromising customer safety in the entire process, including R&D, raw material procurement, production, sales and distribution, and after-sales service.
  2. Quality: Employees should not engage in acts impairing the quality standards necessary to stably supply the company's products and services to customers.
  3. Personal information protection: To protect customers' personal information, employees should comply with relevant laws and regulations and Employees should not engage in acts illegally infringing on customers' personal information.
  4. Product responsibility: Employees should proactively provide necessary information to prevent damage or risk to customers and responsibly implement measures to ensure the safety and quality of products and services.
  5. Information provision: Employees should provide customers with useful information related to products and services for making its right decisions and should not provide false information.
  6. Gathering customer opinions: Employees should listen to customers' opinions on products and services and actively accept customers' legitimate requests and reasonable suggestions.
  7. Customer accessibility: Employees should take necessary measures to ensure that no customers are restricted from using products and services due to gender, age, disability, language, etc.

Code of Practice for Respect for Employees

  1. Respect for human rights: Employees should respect each employee as an independent individual and take active measures to protect the human rights universally pursued in human society.
  2. Prohibition of discrimination: Employees should not be discriminated based on nationality, region of origin, race, gender, age, religion, educational background, disability, appearance, political orientation, personal preference, etc.
  3. Observance of equal opportunity: Employees should be provided equal opportunities for education and growth according to their abilities and qualifications, and fairly evaluated and rewarded by their performance.
  4. Compliance with safety and health: Actively taking necessary measures for the safety of our employees and maintaining a safe work environment from occupational accidents, injuries, disasters, disasters, diseases and transmissions.
  5. Prohibition of workplace harassment: All online and offline actions insulting the personality of members of TYM or damaging human dignity, such as verbal and physical violence, sexual harassment, bullying, and intimidation are prohibited.
  6. Observance of work-family balance: Efforts should be made to provide a work environment in which work and life are harmoniously balanced for employees.

Code of Practice for Pursuit of Sustainability

  1. Sustainable development: In the process of making business decisions, taking responsibility for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to solve the environmental and social matters facing human society.
  2. Environment: Recognizing that the environment is a valuable asset that should be preserved for the next generation (ESG VISION: Innovative legacy for the next generation), doing its best to minimize negative factors on the environment in all areas of our business.
  3. Social contribution: Actively discovering social matters facing our society and actively seeking solutions.
  4. Stakeholder engagement: Identifying stakeholders who may be affected by the company's management or influencing, we actively communicate and act on material issues related to sustainability.
  5. Shareholder value: Pursuing increase the value of the company and shareholders through sustainable management.
  6. Information Disclosure: Financial and non-financial information is disclosed in a timely manner in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.

Code of Practice for Management System

  1. Responsibilities of the head of the organization: The head of the organization being applied this Code of Ethics and Code of Practice should actively support and manage employees and relevant stakeholders for proper implementation.
  2. Organization and reporting: Organizations being applied this Code of Practice should form an appropriate organization and reporting system for ethical risk prevention and due diligence, and clarify responsibilities and roles.
  3. Monitoring and due diligence: Organizations being applied this Code of Practice should establish a system to constantly monitor and conduct due diligence on ethical risks.
  4. Internal control: Organizations being applied this Code of Practice should establish a 24-hour reporting system that allows internal and external access and operate appropriate internal control systems such as regular and irregular audits.
  5. Protection of whistleblowers: Organizations being applied this Code of Practice should protect from identifying whistleblowers and take necessary measures to prevent whistleblowers from being subjected to unreasonable treatment, discrimination or retaliation.
  6. Revision and education: Organizations being applied this Code of Practice should regularly review and supplement, and provide appropriate education to respect and practice the meaning pursued by this code of practice.
  7. Disclosure and handling of violation information: When a violation occurs, the organizations being applied this Code of Practice should immediately take necessary measures according to the company rules. In order to prevent recurrence of violations, appropriate methods should be selected and the relevant information should be disclosed.