ESG Goals

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TYM ESG short-term, mid- to long-term goals

Sustainable product definition

Create products that consider the environmental and social impact throughout the development process, prioritizing consumer convenience and safety.

Eco-friendly purchases definition and category

  1. Eco-friendly purchases: Purchasing components, products, and services that do not harm the ecosystem or the environment.
  2. Applicable items (as of end of 2022): STAGE-V engines, LFI hoods, cellulose (kenaf material) interior materials, telematics, and autonomous driving.

Stage 1 [~2027]

Application of eco-friendly parts or sustainable technology (autonomous driving, telematics, etc.) applied products

Stage 2 [~2035]

Increase application of eco-friendly parts or sustainable technology (autonomous driving, telematics, etc.) by 15% on products

Stage 3 [~2040]

Increase application of eco-friendly parts or sustainable technology (autonomous driving, telematics, etc.) by 30% on products

Stage 4 [~2050]

Increase application of eco-friendly parts or sustainable technology (autonomous driving, telematics, etc.) by 50% on products

Sustainable product

Sustainable product expansion rate

Sustainable product

Eco-friendly product sales

Sales performance of eco-friendly products

Eco-friendly product sales

Climate change

Greenhouse gases | Scope 1 & 2 emissions

Climate change


Power usage



Gas usage


Water resources

Water usage

Water resources

Waste (general + designated)

Amount of waste

Waste (general + designated)

Waste (general + designated)

Amount of waste (won unit)

Waste (general + designated)

Waste (general + designated)

Recycled waste

Waste (general + designated)

Waste (general + designated)

Waste recycling rate

Waste (general + designated)

Practice of social contribution activities

Practice of social contribution activities

Integrated disaster rate

Integrated disaster rate

Risk factor improvement rate

Risk factor improvement rate

New partners code of conduct pledge

New partners code of conduct pledge

Primary partner (QCD+ESG) evaluation

Primary partner (QCD+ESG) evaluation

ESG field assessment of high-risk/focused partners

ESG field assessment of high-risk/focused partners

Internal employee satisfaction rate

Internal employee satisfaction rate

HR issue improvement rate

HR issue improvement rate

Domestic customer satisfaction survey

Domestic customer satisfaction survey

Improvement rate of domestic customer satisfaction survey

Domestic customer satisfaction issues and Improvements

Improvement rate of domestic customer satisfaction survey

Overseas customer satisfaction survey

Overseas customer satisfaction survey

Improvement rate of overseas customer satisfaction survey

Overseas customer satisfaction issues and improvements

Improvement rate of overseas customer satisfaction survey