Action for Product Environmental Regulations

TYM is committed to achieving customer satisfaction with safer and more reliable eco-friendly products and services by considering even the ‘invisible hazards’ throughout the entire process.


  • Sustainable management strategies such as product environment, social responsibility, and ethical management.
  • Compliance with product environmental regulations and other domestic and international customer requirements.
  • Step-by-step establishment and implementation of a product hazardous substance management policy.
  • Development of eco-friendly products using eco-friendly raw materials.

• Considering domestic and international product environmental regulations, product development is conducted from the design stage and through to the disposal stage.
• Actively promote prohibiting the use of hazardous substances in products.
• Ensure compliance with domestic and international laws and regulations regarding hazardous substances in products, as well as with customer requirements.
• Adhere to the hazardous substance management process for products and strive for continuous improvement.
• Identify the status of (hazardous) chemicals contained in products and provide the necessary information to stakeholders.
• Communicate the policy for responding to hazardous substance regulations in products to employees and suppliers, while also disclosing it to stakeholders.